Stay Tuned for Summer of 2021!
Youth Camp, an overnight camp for children ages 8 through 14, is a week of outdoor adventure designed to help campers develop wilderness skills, including wild crafting (foraging), in combination with nature studies, farm experiences, meal preparation, crafts, and land stewardship through sustainable conservation practices.
The core of Youth Camp is the awakening of our senses to be in tune with the earth. We humble ourselves when learning to make fire with bow drills, gather wild edibles, milk goats, harvest from the gardens, develop orienteering skills, work on a craft, and make teas from garden herbs. We also awaken our senses to be in tune with each other and ourselves. Each day campers experience quiet time alone with the earth through afternoon siesta in hammocks by the creek side, in the gardens, or on a hillside. Additional time is set aside each day for quiet reflection through journaling.
As campers tune into the earth, they explore diversity within a through of habitats. They discover what lives in and around the creeks, the meadows, the woods, and the wetland. They explore the world of quiet connection through creating art in nature and leaving it behind for the earth to hold and digest. And they learn basic conservation practices, such as removing invasive species and protecting and nurturing native ones.
As campers tune into the earth, they explore diversity within a through of habitats. They discover what lives in and around the creeks, the meadows, the woods, and the wetland. They explore the world of quiet connection through creating art in nature and leaving it behind for the earth to hold and digest. And they learn basic conservation practices, such as removing invasive species and protecting and nurturing native ones. Youth Camp can also be very lively. In groups we play games, swim in the creek, laugh, chat, sit around the camp fire telling jokes, singing, and making s’mores. We also prepare and eat meals together, and kayak the beautiful Cacapon River.
Sign up for announcements about our 2021 camp offerings~

Sometimes I just wish that I could live in a house in the middle of nowhere on a farm with a few dogs and a garden to keep me alive. It makes me love the fact that many people should honor nature as I do now. I came to this point by being in nature and learning about it. I recognize that if a bunch of other kids could come to a camp like this and milk goats and feed chickens and be in the middle of nature than they will come to like nature too.