Core Values
Diversity, Communication, and Conflict Resolution: We value diversity, openness, compassion, generosity, loving kindness, and empathy. We strive for excellence and recognize that our differences can make us stronger. We respect our differences, realizing we can learn from each other. We seek to be fair and objective with our attitudes towards others whose beliefs and lifestyles are different from our own. We believe understanding can be achieved through attentive listening and respectful and clear communication. We insist on a culture of respect, and work to resolve conflicts peacefully through consensus. We acknowledge that Wind Dance is not a place for everyone, and we strive to make our admissions process a fair one.
Community: We value a healthy community, based on trust and compassion, that supports physical and emotional safety and open communication. We value a community that includes diversity in people, plants, and other animals, and provides a high quality of life for all species. We value a community that supports an open and continuous cross-generation learning environment.
Morality: We value the protection of life and respect for ourselves, others, nature, and property within our community. The moral values of truth, respect, integrity, freedom, charity, responsibility, and fairness, when diligently practiced, protect and enhance life for all beings.
Wisdom: We value wisdom gained through scholarship and practical experience, and grounded in truth, honesty, discovery, creativity, and critical thinking.
Environmental Stewardship: We value Earth and the amazing diversity of life it supports. It is critically important that we respect and protect our natural environment through conservation, preservation, sustainable, and regenerative practices. We value the wise and responsible use of Earth’s bountiful gifts in support of all life. We understand that we are borrowing Earth and all it holds from future generations and we must improve and preserve the present to protect and enhance the future.