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Give Today


Your donation today will support us in growing robust nature informed and inspiring year round programs for youth and adults. We aim to engage and educate youth and adults in becoming proactive environmental stewards and citizens.


Our programs model conflict resolution and decision making strategies that emphasize respect for people and the earth. The education center is supported by renewable energy and youth actively engage in healthy land stewardship in the surrounding landscape.


At Wind Dance we practice silence, awe, wonder, curiosity, creativity, and play!  Students become intimate with the biodiversity this landscape supports through journaling, observation and guided lessons, leading to a deeper understanding of how their actions can have a positive impact on all living things.  Our programs incorporate diverse artistic opportunities as well, including nature art, music, storytelling, literature and more.


Wind Dance strives to build community through vibrant volunteer opportunities and partnership with local non-profits.


Your donation today helps strengthen our community and the future of the next generations.


Sustained Giving


Your monthly or annual gifts to Wind Dance Farm & Earth Education Center are the bedrock of the growth of our programs. Donations like yours help us:


  • Plan for the future development of our educational center and land stewardship goals (Including a greenhouse classroom and woodland trails and classroom settings for people of all ages)

  • Provide scholarships to youth in economically disadvantaged areas

  • Support our staff, providing youth with positive mentors and role models to guide them


Your commitment directly impacts the ongoing stewardship and growth of Wind Dance Farm & Earth Education Center. Together we are creating a healthy environment for people and our planet.


We offer a safe and secure donation platform.

You can contact us directly or cancel your donation at any time.


Wind Dance Farm operates as a 501c(3) Non-Profit. 

Your contribution is tax deductible.



“It is the heart that does the giving, the fingers only let go.”


Thank you.


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