Farm &Wilderness Camp
Overnight Camp
“Do unto those downstream as you would have those upstream do unto you.” ~Wendell Berry
Overnight Camp at Wind Dance July 30-August 5, 2023
Farm & Wilderness Camp, is a camp for ages 13 & up, that connects campers with each other, with the land, and with the food they harvest, prepare, and eat. Wind Dance Farm & Wilderness Campers explore world-wide concerns about the health of our planet and how sustainable gardening and farming can have a positive impact. Campers learn how the earth’s systems work within the four principles of sustainability, and they apply that knowledge each day through their activities. We think globally and act locally.
Campers maintain healthy garden beds, milk goats, save seeds, bring harvests to the kitchen, and prepare and eat food they have helped to grow. They use tools, build structures, and explore methods of food preservation.
If one of the most treasured places to be on the farm is in the gardens, the other is in the hammocks. Every day we rest our bodies and minds swaying over creek beds or in our tents. We have serious, silent, sustained, splendid, solitary siesta, as we read, sleep, work on a craft, write, dream, or simply meditate.
Farm & Wilderness Camp days are also enlivened with singing, dancing, art, and play. We balance our efforts with grace, to include a canoe or kayak adventure.
Farm & Wilderness Camp ~ Overnight Camp ~ July 30-August 5, 2023
Price for Full Week Including Meals and Outfitting Day Trips: $700
Campers arrive on Sunday between 2-3 pm and depart on Saturday at 11am. We provide a packing list.
You are welcome to call or email with questions.
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